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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Duran Duran - Ordinary World

Sekarang gw mau ngerekomen lagu lagi nih. Lagi dan lagi, ini lagu udah lama banget rilisnya. Ini preview albumnya:

Yep! Duran Duran! Band ini famous banget tahun 80-an dan aliran musiknya itu gak nge-rock kayak band yang lain di zamannya. Dan yang mau gw rekomen itu lagunya mereka yang judulnya "Ordinary World". Lagu ini rilis pada tahun 1993.

Awal denger lagu ini sih sebenernya dari SMP. Waktu itu denger di radio yang emang senengnya nyetel lagu-lagu 90-an (sebut saja JakFM). Tapi parahnya gw baru tahu judul lagu sama penyanyinya itu 2 bulan yang lalu! Waktu itu kebetulan ngedengerin lagu sepotong terus judulnya Ordinary World yang nyanyi Duran Duran. Oke gw pernah denger band ini dari SD. Eh pas gw download, anjir! Ini lagu yang gw denger 4 tahun lalu!!! Akhirnya nemu juga gw nih lagu.

So, gw terus nyari deh video klipnya. Dan ternyata ada juga. Nih gw kasih.

And here's the lyrics of the song:

Came in from a rainy Thursday on the avenue
thought I heard you talking softly
I turned on the lights, the TV, and the radio
still I can't escape the ghost of you 
What is happening to it all, crazy some would say
Where is the life that I recognize?
Gone away 
But I won't cry for yesterday
there's an Ordinary World
somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
to the Ordinary World
I will learn to survive 
Passion or coincidence once prompted you to say
pride will tear us both apart...
Well now pride's gone out the window, cross the rooftops, runaway
Left me in the vaccuum of my heart 
What is happening to me, crazy some will say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Gone away 
But I won't cry for yesterday
there's an Ordinary World
somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
to the Ordinary World
I will learn to survive 
Papers in the roadside tell of suffering and grief
Fear today, forgot tomorrow
Beside the news of holy war and holy need
Our's is just a little sorrowed talk 
And I don't cry for yesterday
there's an Ordinary World
somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
to the Ordinary World
I will learn to survive 
Every world, is my world (I will learn to survive)
Any world, is my world (I will learn to survive)
Any world, is my world (I will learn to survive)
Kurang lebih ini sebenernya lagu galau loh.

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